Fremont County School District No. 2


ReadySub is a state of the art employee absence management and substitute placement system. As an employee, you can post absences, upload lesson plans and notes, assign and request substitutes, receive email and optional text notifications, and select favorite substitutes. As a substitute, you can review jobs, accept jobs, add your availability, and receive job requests according to your qualifications.

Fremont School District #2 Employees!

Here is a one-page Quick Start Guide which will take you through the five-step setup process and prepare you to post your first absence! Here are links to a more in-depth guide and a short video for additional support:

Fremont School District #2 Substitutes!

Here is a one-page Quick Start Guide which will take you through the five-step setup process and prepare you to accept your first job! You can also view a more in-depth user guide and a short video.